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1 Ans Imagination is more important than Knowledge - paragraph

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 20 Jul 2021, 12:39 AM at (Education Lesson)

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Imagination is more important than Knowledge

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, things or events that do not exist, are not there or have ever happened in the past. Knowledge on the other hand is familiarity, awareness or understanding gained through experience or study. From the definition itself, to have knowledge you must study or experience something to gain it but for imagination it is limitless, and a gift from God to mankind and in fact has inspired us to gain more knowledge. Imagination is within us and on the other hand knowledge is learned through schooling and experience. Imagination motivates or rather leads us to acquire much more knowledge and to use it in creative ways and it is because of this that we have turned a rock into a spear, a spear into a bow and a bow into a gun, the square wheel into a circle, in other words we would not have evolved in the race we are today. Rabert Adler wished not having to get up from his seat to change the television channel and thus invented the television remote control. Again, the Wright brothers who built the first aircraft imagined a voyage before they knew it was achievable. When device after device failed to see them travelling through the clouds, the two brothers predicted how they could better their airplane until one day they established the world's first continued voyage. Imagination helps each one to plan for some activities when we must work. Knowledge is only what we know but imagination does not have a limit as you can imagine of anything both practical and not. I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dream is more dominant than fact. That hope always triumphs over experience. Love is stronger than death. Even the philosophers have the same line of thought that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 20 Jul 2021, 12:52 AM

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