Asked by
Birds of the sky (2 Golds)
Saturday, 25 Dec 2021, 10:29 AM
at (Education
#copy_jubairvai KGDCL Exam 24 Dec 2021 Assistant Programmer 1. Write a C++ program to omit spaces from e string. 2. Write a shell script program to count all files and sub directories in a selected directory 3. pseduocode of find n th fibonacci in recursive method 4. 4X1 MUX design to fire exit program. x,y,z lines. S S1 selector lines, I, I1, I2, I3 output lines. 5. RIP, HTTP working in which layer and yes or no - working in intermediaate router 6. 2 Cyber Attack Scenario 7. Watchdog Timers in Embedded Systems 8. Regular Expression - 110 sub string and 1 + even length 9. Patient Doctor ER Diagram 10. Use Case Diagram for Admin, Employee #BUET #KGDCL #CSE #Question Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 25 Dec 2021, 10:52 AM |
Answered by
Birds of the sky (2 Golds)
Saturday, 25 Dec 2021, 10:30 AM
AME/AE- 47 post 1. Subnet. Classless--105. 38 .89 .230/20 Net id, host id, network address, broadcast address, network size, if classfull is used then what will be the class. 2. Round Robin: math 3. Impact printer non impact printer 4. OOP vs POP 5. overloading vs overring 7. Swaping, virtual memory 8. NAT? Why used and how NAT translate? 9. Confidentiality and intregrity. Can u have confidentiality without integrity? Can u have Integrity without confidentiality? Explain 10. Karnaugh map: Minterm(3,5,7,9,11,13,14,15) 11. TDM math: rate= 1.536 Mbps, messege size= 960,000, slot=32, end to end circuit Switch time=800ms, calculate transfer time. 12. Hit ratio 75%, RAM time 10 ns, SSD time 10 ms for each instruction. Calculate access time. 13. ER to Schema diagram 14. Write Merge short function int merge( int n, int m). 15. Page 100kb, physical 30kb, page2kb ei type math. |