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1 Ans What is the real-life strategy of information technology?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 23 Aug 2019, 07:00 PM at (Consultancy Agriculture)

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The real-life strategy of information technology


The inclusion of e-agriculture in the national agricultural policy. Expansion of Agricultural Information Centers at Union level. Encourage and train ICTs for agriculture related persons. Production and use of farmer-friendly e-agriculture content. Launch of agriculture based website, web tv, web wireless. Community wireless implementation. Establishment and promotion of a full-fledged agricultural channel. Increase in news of agricultural events in the Terrestrial and Satellite channels.

Establish agricultural information and communication centers at the community level

To provide modern agricultural information services in the field of one-stop service at the community level. And from this data center, rural population can get documentary on health, market, agriculture, including policy implementation strategies in agriculture, fisheries, livestock and government. Moreover, agricultural printing materials - booklets, leaflets, and training facilities and phone in-program facilities.

Community Wireless

Radio is small, easy to carry and cheap at cost. That's pretty easy to do with them. By using the Community Development Concept, it is possible to provide information about the needs of the people in the disadvantaged areas through community radio. Most importantly, it is possible to bring about quantitative changes in the development of local and sustainable agriculture technologies and local development.

Advantages of calling in agricultural service line

Currently the country is floating on the tide of a cellphone. That cellphone could be a helpline for agriculture. It includes interactive voice records, messages, expert advice, and condescending messages in adverse weather can bring immediate momentum and success in agriculture.

Offering information-technology will ensure the successful e-farming of e-agriculture from the reservoirs and will lead the way in building Digital India through agriculture and farmer's prosperity.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 23 Aug 2019, 07:01 PM

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