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1 Ans Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund (BBGd)

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 07:06 AM at (Consultancy Business)

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Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund (BBGd)

To encourage the entrepreneurs to invest in new projects with public financing aimed at developing a risky but potential industry, the Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF) was run by the management of Bangladesh Bank. Recently, EEF support was provided for agricultural and food processing projects. The priority sectors for all such projects are:

1. Agriculture: (a) Hybrid Seed Production (Paddy, Bhutra, Vegetable and Watermelon), (b) Production of Potato Seed by Commercial Tissue Culture Technology, (c) Commercial Flower, Orchid Cultivation (for Export Market), (d) Commercial Palm / Aromatic Rice (for export market and subject to actual exporter scrutiny), (e) Mushroom cultivation project.

2. Fisheries: Fisheries-based industries: (a) IQF Founded (Individual Quick Freezing / Fish Processing), (b) Value Added Fish Product Development and Marketing, (c) Deodorant production, processing and marketing in modern way. Fish Plant),

Fisheries and Hatcheries: (a) Establishment of commercially high value fish farms and hatcheries.

Food Production Industry: Balance feed is a food production industry.

3. Livestock: Establish industries based on animal feed production and processing: (a) milk, egg processing plant, (b) meat processing plant (including modern slaughterhouse).

P Establishment of hygiene and management industries: Establish laboratory and hospital for diagnosis / treatment of cattle / poultry.

Poultry Production Industry: Great-Grant Parent and Parent Stock Farm.

Interest: No interest. The proceeds of the project will be distributed on the basis of the proportional partnership of the entrepreneur and the capital of the EEF.

Project Expenditure: Total project expenditure can be a minimum of Tk 1.5 million to Tk 1.5 crore.

For details:

Equity and Intrapreneurship Fund Unit

Bangladesh Bank

Head Office, Dhaka-1

Phone: 1220-2, 620-27


Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 07:07 AM

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