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1 Ans How to install graphics.h in codeblocks - learn easily

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Tuesday, 17 Sep 2019, 06:08 AM at (Education Engineering)

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Step 1: Download the file from here and extract it.

Step 2: copy graphics.h and winbgim.h and paste it in the include folder where your codeblocks is installed.
for example: (C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWinclude).

Step 3: Now copy the libbgi.a file to the lib folder near to the include folder
for example: (C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWlib).

step 4: The second last step is to go to Setting->compiler then linker setting.
You can find two boxes named Link Libraries and Other Linker Options.
Then you can find and add button in Link Libraries Just click on add and brows and select the file libbgi.a that we have pasted in lib folder in step 3.

step 5 :The last and important step is the linker command that we have to write in the linker box which is in the right side of Linker Libraries .
Paste these commands in that box as it is.







Thats it we have successfully configured the codeblock with graphics.h

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Tuesday, 17 Sep 2019, 06:13 AM

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