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1 Ans USA visa interview experience - A sample interview

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 02:06 PM at (Consultancy Higher Education)

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USA visa interview experience:

Decision: Rejected

Intended program: MS in Chemistry
Funding: Graduate teaching assistantship with $3300 deficit.
Date: 05-12-2019
Duration: 5 - 7 minutes
University: Western Kentucky University
Description of consular: middle aged white woman

VO: Hello! How are you?
Myself: I am fine. Good morning!
I offerred my passport and I20 willingly and she received.
VO: Where did you study?
Myself: Completed undergraduation from University of Dhaka in Chemistry.
VO: What are you going to study?
Myself: MS in chemistry in Westerm Kentucky University.
VO: Is it a good school?
Myself: Yes! They have some excellent faculty. In addition they have latest technological facilities in lab.
VO: How did you know about this school?
Myself: I was contacting with the faculties by sending email.
VO: So have funding.
Myself: Yeah!
VO: What will you do there? (pointing on my funding)
Myself: I will work as a TA.
VO: What will be your task?
Myself: They didn't specify yet.
VO: So, you don't know what will be your task!
Myself: Usually in WKU students work as laboratory administrator to guide undergraduade students in their lab courses.
VO: Who is going to pay the remaining amount?
Myself: I am working as a chemistry teacher for nine months. As I have plan for higher study, I have my own savings. In addition, my father is a retired person who has savings for my higher study. He already gave me a part of his savings. And now I have $7000 which is more than enough to recover my deficit. Moreover, my elder sibolings are well established in Bamgladesh.
VO: Will you pursue PhD after MS?
Myself: No. I don't have any intention for PhD right now?
VO: Why? What will you do after coming back to Bangladesh?
Myself: I will find an industrial job. It does not need Phd.
VO: So right now you are a high school (college) teacher. You will go for MS in USA and then you want to do industrial job?
Myself: Yes! That's my intention.
VO: You can't find an industrial job now.
Myself: I can but not my desired level.
VO: How will your study in USA help you to find an industrial job?
(This question screwed me.)
Myself: I will able to do research in a furnished laboratory which will develop my work.
VO: What is your research area?
Myself: Biofuel.
VO: How will this research help you to fi d a job?
(This question killed my confidence. Didn't expect this much questions)
Myslef: There are lot of industries in BD. All of them needs energy supply.... The whole world is looking for sustainable goal.... So, renewable energy is hot cake and biofuel is good option as alternative to fossil fuels. (I was not fluent in this amswer)
VO: What kind of industry will offer you job.?
Myself: (vague answer. Didn't specify any industry... such as pharmaceuticals! The greatest mistake!)
VO: How will research in biofuel help you to get a job in a pharmaceuticals?
Myself: Sorry let me clear my answer. I said mentioned pharmaceuticals for instance. (The answer was not convincing enough)
VO: So, you are teaching chemistry in a high school? What is the name of that school?
Myself: Mentioned the name
Typed something in pc
VO: What was your degree from University of Dhaka? Bachelors?
Myslef: Yes! Bachelors in chemistry.

Typed for 1-2 minutes. Then she gave me mg passport and a white leaflet. I said thank you.

It is clear that my intention to do job in industry was the main reason for not convincing the consular and consequently for the rejection. Should I change my career plan for the next interview? I assume they have the record of my previous interview. If I do tell about induatrial job again, what should be my explanation? Should I change my research interest next time?

Please, make comment on my interview as well as suggest me to find a best way to overcome the obstacles.

Thanks in advance!

Collected from Facebook.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 02:07 PM

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