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1 Ans What is a computer? Write the basic parts of a computer.

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 02 Jul 2020, 12:41 AM at (Education Engineering)

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 Computer is an electronic device that receives input, stores or processes the input and provides output as per user instructions. The basic parts of a computer are as follows – 

1. Input Unit: Devices like keyboard and mouse are used to input data and instructions.

2. Output Unit: Devices like printer and visual display unit are used to provide information to the user in desired format.

3. Control Unit: This unit controls all the functions of the computer. 

4. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): This is the brain of the computer where all arithmetic operations and logical operations take place.

5. Memory: All input data, instructions and data interim to the processes are stored in the memory. 

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 02 Jul 2020, 12:45 AM

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