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1 Ans The world's Food Recession and the way of replenishing the detriment

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 11:12 PM at (News Editorial)

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The World's Food Recession & The Way Of Replenishing  The Detriment 


"There will be a shortage of food due to coronavirus. In future, there may be a global famine," 

~ Adorable  Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ~


The horrendous global  pandemic - Coronavirus  and its punitive economic effects are about to set off the next global hunger crisis. The world, presently, stands on the brink of a food crisis worse than any seen for at least 50 years, the UN has warned as it urged governments to act swiftly to avoid disaster. In the last four years, conflicts, climate change and economic instability raised the number of people suffering acute hunger — when the absence of food endangers people’s livelihoods and, in some cases, their lives — from 80 million to 135 million people. The pandemic could drive 130 million more people into that state by December. More than a quarter of a billion people are likely to be acutely hungry in 2020.The question is whether, as economic disruption continues, we can stave off a pandemic - related food crisis.


“Unless immediate action is taken, it is increasingly clear that there is an impending global food emergency that could have long-term impacts on hundreds of millions of children and adults,”

~  António Guterres, The  UN Secretary  General   ~ 


The decline in export revenues and incoming remittances creates greater challenges for food-importing countries like Ethiopia, Lebanon, Malawi and Solomon Islands, which will find it difficult to foot their import bills, risking significant currency devaluation and inflation.


" We know that a peaceful world cannot exist one-third rich and two-thirds hungry." 

~  President Jimmy Carter ~ 


In Syria, 6.6 million people were living with acute hunger at the end of 2019. An additional 2.7 million people, according to our data, joined their ranks in the first three months of this year. That makes 9.3 million Syrians struggling with the higher cost of food, mass unemployment and a destroyed health care system.


"821 million people in the world don’t get the food they need to live a healthy life." 

~  The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ~ 


Increasing unemployment and the loss of income associated with lockdowns are also putting food out of reach for many struggling people. Though global markets have remained steady, the price of basic foods has begun to rise in some countries. Lockdowns are slowing harvests, while millions of seasonal labourers are unable to work. Food waste has reached damaging levels, with farmers forced to dump perishable produce as the result of supply chain problems, and in the meat industry plants have been forced to close in some countries.The additional impact of the coronavirus crisis and lockdowns, and the resulting recession, would compound the damage and tip millions into dire hunger.


The Way Of Replenishing the Detriment  => 


"If we can produce food and preserve it, then we won't fall into that famine. Rather, we will be able to help many others. We have to take those steps from now on."

  ~ Estimable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ~ 


Honorable PM stressed the need for producing and preserving food to face any possible food crisis in the post-coronavirus world. 

" Let there not be an inch of land left without farming. We have to keep our eyes on that and that's what I want, " the PM added. 

The United Nations, specifically,   laid out a three-point plan to repair the world’s ailing food systems and prevent further harm. These are:

☞ To focus aid on the worst-stricken regions to stave off immediate disaster, and for governments to prioritise food supply chains.

☞  To strengthen social protections so that young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and other at-risk groups – including children who are not receiving school meals in lockdown – receive adequate nutriworld  

☞ To invest in the future, by building a global recovery from the pandemic that prioritises healthy and environmentally sustainable food systems.


“We need to act now to avoid the worst impacts of our efforts to control the pandemic.”

~  António Guterres, The  UN Secretary General   ~ 


Finally, Food safety is the  key to achieving  the precious   Sustainable Development Goals  to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks. Safe food contributes to economic prosperity, boosting agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development.Government, for this  conspicuous reason, needs  to ensure that the production and supply of food is not disrupted. If farmers can’t plant or harvest, if seeds and fertilizer are not available, if agricultural produce cannot reach markets, it will create dangerous food shortages.We can stop the coming global hunger crisis from getting worse through global collective action to save lives and protect livelihoods. 




Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 11:13 PM

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