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1 Ans Web design and programming এর মাঝে কি কি পার্থক্য আছে?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Saturday, 16 Feb 2019, 10:21 AM at (Education Learn something new)

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web design refers to both the aesthetic portion of the website and it’s usability. Web designers use various design programs such as Adobe Photoshop to create the layout and other visual elements of the website. Web Developers on the other hand, take a website design and actually make a functioning website from it. Web developers use HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and other programming languages to bring to life the design files.

As you probably know, there are dozens of different programming languages, all with different strengths and purposes. Someone building mobile apps will use a different language than someone building a web application — we’ve already discussed how to choose the right web programming language.

a programmer could use any number of languages to build the application that he or she needs. Depending on the situation, a programmer could use C#, Java, C++, Python, C, or any other number of choices to build an application.

An important implication of these differences is that web programmers have to regularly keep up with changes in the languages they use. A textbook on web programming written in 2015 could be severely out of date by now due to rapid developments in those languages. Thus, web programming classes often teach via online resources instead of books.

Source: Internet.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 16 Feb 2019, 10:25 AM

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