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1 Ans WhatsApp can extend the time limit for deleting messages

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 08 Dec 2021, 07:01 AM at (Technology Internet)

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The popularity of WhatsApp as a messaging app is increasing day by day. Since then, Zuckerberg's company has been constantly thinking about its features. The goal of the company is to make WhatsApp more attractive to the users by bringing new features or replacing the existing features. It is learned that the duration of the Delete Message for Everyone feature is going to be extended very soon. However, the announcement may be made soon. News daily.

If you want to delete a message after the scene is sent, now the maximum time available is one hour, eight minutes and 18 seconds. It is known that WhatsApp authorities have been thinking about this for a long time. Finally, steps are being taken to extend that deadline to one week.

According to Wabitalinfo, in the next update, seven days and eight minutes will be the maximum limit for deleting a message. That means users will get much more time than before. However, it was heard earlier that WhatsApp will not have any fixed time limit for deleting messages. Old messages can be deleted even after weeks, months, years. However, in the end, the company owned by Facebook is going to take the decision to extend the current deadline without leaving many options. Although they have not yet made a final decision. However, WhatsApp can quickly announce this in this regard.

Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. One of these is the playback speed feature of forwarded voice messages. Although it was run experimentally in the beta version of WhatsApp for the iPhone, it is said that it is not being brought to Android right now.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 08 Dec 2021, 07:02 AM

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