Asked by
Birds of the sky (2 Golds)
Saturday, 01 Jan 2022, 05:14 AM
at (Technology
For Question Collection, we are Grateful to For Question Solution, We are grateful to Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 01 Jan 2022, 05:31 AM |
Download NESCO full solution From here Share with your friends. Thanks. Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 01 Jan 2022, 05:27 AM |
NESCO Question Pattern Non-Technical 60 Marks and Tech 40 marks. Technical (5 x 8 = 40 marks) 1. (a) (i) Linux command for showing all files including
the hidden files inside the home directory. (ii) Linux command for Showing page size, disk space in a human-readable format. (b) (i) Javascript function for validating an 11
digit phone number. (ii)What is the function of CSS in web designing. 2. (a) (i) Protocol used for automatically assigning
IP addresses. (ii) Protocol used for generating IP address
from a URL. (iii) Protocol used to retrieve emails. (iv) Protocol used to find MAC address from
an IP address. (b) Explain DDos Attack. 3. (a)SQL Query for finding dept names for
departments whose average salary is greater than the average salary of the
company. (b) Design the communication for the user
login system for an MVC pattern framework. 4. (a) C++ Series Summation 1/(2 x 3) + 2/(3 x 4) + 3/(4 x 5) + .............................. (b) (i) For which data structure operations,
Linked List is better than Array? (Insert, Delete, Search) (ii) Maximum and Minimum no of Nodes for a binary tree of height 7 where the root is considered as height 0. 5. Finding bit rate from a TDM network using the Nyquist Theorem. (View Next Answer plz on this page)