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2 Ans Where does the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will go?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 08:44 PM at (Technology Computer)

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Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 08:47 PM

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Elon Mask has launched an organization called Biological Artificial Intelligence Brain, called Neuralink. Its purpose is to detect the human brain's signal and act accordingly. Replace the brain and insert other information. I think they succeeded in this. And your brain is controlled with a chip. Then you don't need to study anymore. You have the money, you put something in your head with chips. In other cases the same will happen.

What is the end result! The greatness of the human race will never be exhausted. All humans will be the best. If this is the rest of the world no man will be tired.

Today in the Amazon burns, humanity is in danger, the temperature of the world is rising, population is decreasing, human intelligence is decreasing. Nobody has a headache towards them. People are busy making other people.

People cannot do everything with logic. Let's give a little example. In our country, dengue took shape this year. This is a whole different kind of dengue. Which is why many people have died before they understand it. Such subtle changes in nature will in fact help thousands of artificial intelligence to no avail. You cannot do anything with that artificial intelligence unless you know it in advance.

That is why no matter how much we want the whole world to become better, we should not put the machine first. Can be adapted to the human bus. Use all the technology in that direction.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 08:46 PM

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