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1 Ans What is Disk Defragmentation Used for?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Monday, 02 Sep 2019, 09:49 PM at (Technology Computer)

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Disk defragmentation is used to rearrange disk files.

Defragmentation is the Windows default software for protecting your PC hard drive. Magnetic headset works the same way. If you place a file on a hard drive, the file is thus severely deleted. Block number 1 is the block of number 5, then maybe the block of number 7 of another file, then the block of number 25 of another file.

But when you open the file, the blocks of the file are opened serially. As a result, one has to rotate repeatedly to find the magnetic head from one block to the other. Ever before, sometimes behind. This affects the performance of the hard drive. Due to the distance of the files, the hard drive's read speed decreases, the temperature increases.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Monday, 02 Sep 2019, 09:50 PM

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