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1 Ans Why does Computer work slowly?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 21 Feb 2020, 12:35 PM at (Technology Computer)

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Why Does Computer Slow Work?

For many reasons, computer slows can work. I am splitting into two categories.

1. Low configuration computer. Such processor Maximum Intel Core i3, 3rd Generation or equivalent. RAM Maximum 1GB and a computer with mechanical drive.

2. Medium - High configuration computer.

There are many reasons why a low-config computer may be slow.

Because of the virus.

If the operating system is used for a long time, many junk files will be slowed down.

When using Windows 10. Usually Windows 10 uses a large amount of secondary disk or hard disk to work smoothly. In this case, the mechanical drive is used 100% of the time at maxim, which is why it works slow. This problem can be solved by using SSD drive.

Because of the low RAM. Today's software uses a lot of RAM. Web browsers take up a lot of RAM. In that case, PC Slow works. Raising the RAM solves this problem.

The PC slow will work even though the processor is too old. If the processor is Intel 4th gen or earlier, then the PC will not slow down if the processor is upgraded.

Windows 7 Smooth performs on low config PCs. If you do not need it, then refrain from installing Windows 10.

Now come to a medium - high end PC why slow.

The operating system is out of date. Contains junk or virus. Installing a new OS in this case will solve the problem. If the problem still persists, see how your RAM / Disk is being used from the Task Manager. If most of the time the E70 - 100% such usage shows, increase the amount of RAM if it is RAM.

If there is a hard disk and it is mechanical then it is advisable to have an SSD installed. 120 GB E Enough. Then install Windows on SSD. And store all the rest of your files on that mechanical disk. This will solve the slow problem.

If you have a graphics card, and if your PC only performs the usual graphics intensively for the rest of the day, the problem will be solved if you upgrade the graphics card.

Use Windows Defender to protect against viruses. Update regularly. You can also use other antivirus. Among Free Antivirus: Antivirus for Mac: Free Protection & Security for Mac | Free antivirus 360 Total Security for Mac can use this.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 21 Feb 2020, 12:36 PM

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