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3 Ans How to find day name from any date and year?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Wednesday, 11 Sep 2019, 07:12 PM at (Education Lesson)

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Example: Find day Name of 11 September, 2019.

11 Sep, 2019

= 11 + 5 + (2019 - 2000) + 3 

[here, (2019 - 2000) modulus 4  == 3] [4 is for formula]

[Modulus mean remainder] [and always subtract the century year]

= 16 + 19 + 3

= 38

Now, 38 modulus 7 == 3 [here, 7 is for formula]

From the formula, (Formula given is given below)

3 mean Wednesday

So, 11 Sep, 2019 is Wednesday.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Wednesday, 11 Sep 2019, 07:26 PM

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The best way to find a day name.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 05 Mar 2021, 08:58 PM

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2 Oct, 2019 = 2 + 0 + (2019 - 2000) + 3 = 24 now, 24 modulus 7 = 3 3 mean Wednesday. Awesome Rule!

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 03 Oct 2019, 06:14 AM

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