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1 Ans Why and how to write a research thesis?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, 01:57 PM at (Consultancy Higher Education)

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The first step to getting a higher education or a researcher is to say undergraduate / masters thesis from our country's perspective. Even though we have a lot of problems, we are able to manage in this small country. And we need more research to keep pace with our nature and to provide proper food and accommodation for more people. However, the problem is the correct guideline.

Varsity is the last time to take a thesis or project. Now, those who want to be a good student or Higher study or want to become a teacher choose the thesis. And those who have a little CGPA or have the urge to enter the job choose the intern or the project. However, the purpose of those who take the thesis seems to be too clear. Many think of buzzword, many take for higher study !! However, I do have doubts about their relevance to the higher studies of how much they do in the next 3-5 months.

The website of a professor's lab is the best place to understand his work. Here his publications are arranged. It is understood that he was active in the recess years. Many of the publications can also be downloaded. He also talks about goals or objects in his lab. Those working in the lab also have profiles. So it's good to see it. Also try to understand what kind of work is being done in his lab - analytical, experimental, computational or mixed. Think about whether you are comfortible with this kind of work. You need to go to Research / Thesis with a short list of the country, the university and your area.

Process Map: Problem search → Research Question → Literature Review → Methdology → Results & Discussion → Conclusion (Depends on your work)

1. Problem Search:

You can find the problem in many ways. But for those who are new to the field, it is a bit difficult to find problems. I would say, read a lot of articles (conference / journal) on the field you want to work in. This is basically the Traditional Way, easy to find problems. First break the down to get a lot of problems, then move on to the most narrow part. First read the current papers for your preferred domain and make a short review of them (journal / conference paper). This is the easiest way to find a good problem in the shortest time.

#How to compress your idea / topic?

For example, suppose you are planning to do a study on diabetes in people of Bangladesh. Diabetes Mainly ৩ types. In this case it would be better to work with only one type (such as type 2). And if your target people are only Female or Pregnancy related, your area will be very specific.

2. Literature Review

There are mainly three types of research: original research, review or review paper or survey research. Original Article is based on original research. And later in the main research, laboratory-based research, computer-based research, the most familiar fields in these fields are data science field and simulation research. The whole thing is, the work that I get any data from, so that's the main research. That's why all these data are called primary data. But when all these data are published in a journal, then if someone else uses the same data with other data in the context of their work, then it becomes secondary data. The interesting thing is that with this secondary data we have to work on the review paper. ”That is why research questions (RQs) need to be written down. Many questions can be written together, but answers to a few specific questions will be explored. These questions will be answered in the Conclusions section.

When you have figured out the problem, you need to show why you need your research. That means you have to explain what your research motivation is. So, what kind of work has already been done on this problem and you need to review the tasks. Writing a Literature Review is not easy. That means it should not be taken too easy. Literature reviews have to be done periodically and the quality of the reference paper journal, the group from which the work is done, is how reliably it is to keep in mind. And of course you have to do the review work by keeping the published work order.

You may have done basic work of very good quality, but the reviewers may cancel due to lack of good literature reviews. In this case, you need to highlight the essence and contribution of your study.

3. Methodology

In this section, statistical analysis is done. A researcher can conduct his research in various ways. Experimental work, sample preparation, experimentation technique, etc. are also deduced. First of all, there are many types of tested techniques for any research, when designing techniques, by making an example of your own research, you need to make a connection by specifying where in the section, in which section, in detail. Then a reader can feel some kind of peace even when they read these technical descriptions. It is especially important to find peace in reading non-technical technical issues. Three of the techniques are very popular (search wiki for details):

• Cross-sectional study

• Observational study

• Experimental study

5. Discussion

In my opinion, the discussion party is the most complicated part. The essence of the entire research is discussed here. The quality of your research depends on the discussion section. Compare your research findings with the results of the related work. And research question details to show if your findings match your finding with results! This section will re-justify your research.

6. Conclusion

Conclusions of paper / thesis should be written at the end of abstract thesis / research paper. And while writing conclusions, many wrote summaries. In that case, you can write the conclusion as the last paragraph of your discussion section. In many journals, the conclusions and dissections section are written together. Conclusions can highlight your work limitation and futures work processes. Other researchers will get a concept about your work, maybe even get a job offer in a good lab.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, 01:58 PM

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