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1 Ans Apple will not walk the cryptocurrency

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, 12:48 AM at (Consultancy Business)

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Apple will not walk the cryptocurrency

US tech firm Apple has clarified its position with virtual currency or cryptocurrency. The company's CEO, Tim Cook, said they had no interest in cryptocurrency. They have no plans to bring digital currency cryptocurrency.

Facebook recently announced the launch of cryptocurrency 'Libra' as a digital currency. Apple's chief executive told of their position in the face of widespread discussions on the currency on Facebook.

In an interview to the French Economics magazine 'Echos', Tim Cook said that a company private group is not in a position to bring in new currency to compete with it. A private company should renounce the greed to gain power in this process. Rather, the issue of currency should be left to the state.

Tim Cook has already become known as a critic of Facebook. Earlier, he criticized Facebook's privacy and business model.

In criticizing Zuckerberg, Tim Cook said that Facebook is having trouble with the business of making money from information provided by people.

Mark Zuckerberg criticized Tim Cook's comments in an interview with Vox. He said, 'We don't care about the customer who doesn't pay - the truth seems to have nothing to do with the logic I think. If you want to provide a service that connects everyone in the world, you will find many people who cannot afford to pay for that service. In this case, the ad-supported business model is the only reasonable model that can support such a business. '

Currently Facebook has created an organization with 20 organizations to promote their cryptocurrency.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Facebook has announced that Visa, MasterCard, and other companies have been linked to their network as financial partners to launch Libra.

Cook is skeptical about the security of Facebook's cryptocurrency. According to him, the finance system is like the security system of a state which must be kept in the hands of the state. We have to find out the difference between truth and lies.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, 12:48 AM

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