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1 Ans Application process to get education loan from Sujan Foundation for studying in Germany for PhD or Masters degree

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Tuesday, 12 Nov 2019, 11:33 PM at (Technology Internet)

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In order to receive the Sujan Foundation Education Loan, you must meet at least some of the prerequisites listed below.

  1. Bangladeshi student studying in Germany, age maximum 12
  2. Regardless of Bachelor's or Master's thesis registration, it is mandatory to complete the required credit before the thesis.
  3. Subjective average CGPA should be 2.5 before the thesis
  4. If there is a job or heavy job during the thesis, his income cannot be more than 5 euros monthly.
  5. Bank deposits cannot be more than 1 euro
  6. Must have experience based on volunteer work
  7. No kind of anti-social activities would be associated with any kind of anti-social, unjust, misconduct, lawlessness, Bangladesh or liberation war.
  8. Bangladeshi students who have fallen behind physically or intellectually will have priority
  9. Some kind of personal contact with a German expatriate or the Suzanne Foundation to obtain a loan would be considered ineligible.
  10. Students can apply for a maximum of 8th semester and a maximum of sixth semester if they have a masters degree
  11. Anyone applying for Bisag, German emigration or the Suzanne Foundation will not be able to apply

Papers to be submitted:

  1. Detailed CV
  2. Motion Letter
  3. Certificate of Proof of Maturity (Matriculation Bhadinigung)
  4. Up-to-date Result Sheet in Bachelor's or Masters in Germany
  5. Thesis Registration Confirmation
  6. All bank statements for the last three months
  7. Visa Card (Aufenthal) and passport copy
  8. Sofa (Free Sofa) -

As the referee for any communication, the name of one is email, mobile number

All files must be submitted in a PDF file to this email:

** Private documents provided by the student will be stored with utmost confidentiality. If the application is rejected, those documents will be permanently removed. Documents of those to whom the application is received will be preserved until the loan is fully repaid and the repayment is completed.

When to apply:

The loan will be provided to five students initially by verifying each application with the highest honesty and neutrality on our behalf. Depending on the requirement of the student, monthly or 25 euros will be paid for a maximum of three months. The student must be in regular contact with the visa status or to update the study. If you get a full-time job or decide to return to the country at the end of your studies, you need to let us know quickly. After this, appropriate decision should be taken on the process of repayment of this loan.

*** The rules of the application process referred to herein reserve the right to amend at any time.

For any questions, please contact us at:

Details here -


Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Tuesday, 12 Nov 2019, 11:38 PM

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