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1 Ans Snapdragon 865 chipset specifications for electric devices - mobiles and computers.

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019, 12:03 PM at (Technology Internet)

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Snapdragon 865 chipset details and specifications

Snapdragon 865 is a Octa-core chipset

It follows the design Snapdragon 855 and 855+

The Upcoming Snapdragon 865 chipset can be packed by 1 x Cortex-A77 2.84Gz Gold Prime Core, 2 x Cortez-A77 @ 2.42GHz Gold Core, 4 x Cortex-A55 @ 1.8GHz Low-powered Silver Core. The graphics department of the chipset will handle the Adreno 650 chip, and Snapdragon 4 chipset is expected to have buildin 5G modem support!

The chipset will provide 20% more CPU performance, and 17% - 20% more GPU performance. So this is a leak, but the details of the launch event may change a bit. Snapdragon 865 chipset will be seen on many flagship devices in 2020, of course! First of all you will probably see the Samsung Galaxy S11 and the OnePlus 8 devices! Details at

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019, 12:09 PM

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