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1 Ans Google is building the App Defense Alliance

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Saturday, 09 Nov 2019, 04:32 AM at (Technology Internet)

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Google is building the App Defense Alliance

Many of the harmful apps on Google Security are entering the Play Store. Google is teaming up with three security companies to prevent harmful apps from coming into the Play Store. The App Defense Alliance will work to find out if an app is harmful to an Android user before it is released.

According to the report by tech website The Verge, the App Defense Alliance with Google has developed Asset, Lookout and Gymporium.

The Android operating system is currently running on more than 20 million devices. According to Google, the Google Play Store has become the target of cyber criminals due to the high number of users. Malicious apps may attempt to capture the sensitive data of users with hidden malware or encrypted code.

Google has introduced a 'malware protection service' called 'Google Play Protect' to protect Android from harmful apps. The company claims, 'hundreds of billions of apps are being scanned every day through the Google Play Protect service. Google is building an alliance to expand its capabilities.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Saturday, 09 Nov 2019, 04:32 AM

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