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1 Ans Free Internet is now one of the human rights - analysis of researchers

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 14 Nov 2019, 12:38 PM at (Technology Internet)

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Free Internet Human Rights

Researchers think human rights are a fundamental right for free internet access. Researchers at the University of Birmingham in the UK have advocated for the Internet to be regarded as a human right to ensure freedom of speech and the right to information. This was reported in a report by the Indo Asian News Service.

According to researchers in the UK, the free internet should now be considered human rights as political interference and controversy are increasing online. This is not a luxury, but it is a moral human right. In many developing countries, citizens are not getting internet access. The quality of their lives does not align with the global context.

The University of Birmingham researchers say that if there is discrimination on the Internet, freedom of speech, freedom of information and freedom of assembly will not be appropriate as a fundamental freedom.

Martin Riglitz, a lecturer in Global Ethics at the University of Birmingham, said: "The Internet should allow people to move freely through the world as a moral human right." They can be monitored or censored. For those who cannot use the internet at a cost, they have to pay for free. '

The dissertation article was published in the journal 'Applied Philosophy'. The article states that the Internet can protect people's basic human rights just like other basic rights of life, such as freedom, freedom from oppression. Things like freedom of speech and information are becoming increasingly dependent on the benefits of the Internet. Most political debates are happening online now, and that information is available online. Those who are not covered online are deprived of this information.

The study provides an example of how to make government and institutions accountable by utilizing the Internet. In this case, the 'Arab Spring' and 'Me to' programs are shown as examples.

According to data from the United Nations International Telecommunication Union, as of the end of the year 51% percent of the world's 7 billion people have access to Internet access.

Researcher Reglitz says it doesn't cost much to ensure Internet access. There is no need for modern IT to ensure things like blogging, getting information, joining virtual groups, exchanging e-mails. 230 crores people around the world do not even have affordable internet access.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 14 Nov 2019, 12:40 PM

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