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1 Ans Russia examines alternatives to the Internet

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 26 Dec 2019, 11:38 AM at (Technology Internet)

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Russia examines alternatives to the Internet

Russia wants to take more control of its citizens in online living. Because of this, a plan is being implemented in the country regarding internet freedom. Under this, a system of global Internet alternatives has been successfully tested. The Russian government made the announcement yesterday.

According to a BBC Online report, Russia's communications ministry did not provide details about alternative internet services. But the government's government department says that ordinary Internet users will not understand the difference between the Internet and the Internet. The results of the test will be submitted to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Experts have expressed concern over the breakdown of Internet systems in some countries.

Alan Woodward, a computer science professor at the University of Surrey, UK, said that Russia's move is another initiative to accelerate the breakdown of the Internet. Those authoritarian countries want to have more control over the citizens, they walk in this way. Iran and China are examples of that. It means not letting people know the exact details of what is happening in the country. Holding people to their own doctrine.

In the alternative Internet system, the government controls what people will see. In this, ISPs and telco are configured to run their Internet like a large corporation. The government can do this by blocking or controlling the Internet's cable connection below the sea. It takes the support of local ISPs.

Russia's new initiative will benefit the country's own institutions. Russian is already in the tech world by building systems like Yandex, Mail DotRU. In the meantime, various initiatives have been taken to stop the sale of smartphones if Russia does not create its own Wikipedia and preinstall Russian-made software.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 26 Dec 2019, 11:39 AM

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