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1 Ans WhatsApp will not run on some smartphone

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 15 Dec 2019, 08:41 PM at (Technology Internet)

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WhatsApp will not run on some smartphones

Many people now use WhatsApp for online communication. But for those who are using WhatsApp on many older phones, bad news awaits. WhatsApp has announced that they will remove their support completely from older versions of iOS, Android and Windows Phone. As a result, billions of older smartphone users will no longer be able to use the popular messaging service.

WhatsApp will be discontinued on different phones worldwide from next year. According to a blog post from the company, support for some mobile platforms will be discontinued from next year. As a result, this messaging app, which is popular on millions of phones worldwide, cannot be used.

WhatsApp will be shut down on all Windows Phone phones after December 31 this year. WhatsApp will be discontinued on February 1, 2020 on iOS 8 or older operating system. In addition, WhatsApp won't work on phones running Android 2.3.7 or older.

WhatsApp has already created a new account for customers already using the old operating system. It does not have the ability to log in once WhatsApp is deleted on the old phone.

WhatsApp recently updated the requirements for system support. That said, WhatsApp cannot be run unless there is at least iOS 9, Android 3.0 powered device. WhatsApp services will be discontinued on all Windows Phone from December 31.

Important phones that can't run WhatsApp include all versions of iPhone 5, all Microsoft Lumia smartphones, HP Elite smartphones, all kinds of Android phones that came on the market before 2010. Android phones include Google Nexus One, Samsung Epic Fourji, Motorola Droid X and more.

Experts suggest that if you need to run WhatsApp, the operating system must be updated. If not, you need to start using WhatsApp alternative apps. There are many older apps that will support older phones as an alternative to WhatsApp for communication. But if WhatsApp is urgent, there is no option to switch to the new system.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 15 Dec 2019, 08:41 PM

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