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1 Ans Facebook employees payroll data has been stolen

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 15 Dec 2019, 08:45 PM at (Technology Internet)

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Touching information of employees working on parole has been stolen on Facebook. The names, bank account numbers and other personal information of some 20,000 employees were kept in a hard drive. The hard disk in the bag was stolen in a car last November. The information was reported in a AFP report.

Facebook said there was no evidence of data abuse in the case of the hard disk theft. It is seen as a crime of destruction and occupation of a hard disk rather than theft of employee information. This can only affect current and former employees of Facebook. This will not affect any information of the Facebook user. Last year, Facebook had information on employees working on parole in the United States.

Facebook authorities said the car was used by a staff of Facebook's payroll department. In the car, a Facebook worker left the hard drive in the bag. Those who had information on the device were reported. Facebook is assisting the police in investigating the incident. Disciplinary action has also been taken in this incident.

Facebook has been widely criticized for protecting user data. It was at that time that the information of the employees of his organization came out.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 15 Dec 2019, 08:45 PM

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