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1 Ans New weather forecasting system has been invented by IBM - read details

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 17 Nov 2019, 11:20 AM at (Technology Science)

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New weather forecasting system

Technology firm IBM is launching a new weather forecast system. The US technology company said Thursday it will be able to provide up to 12 hours of weather forecasts in advance of new weather forecasts. In areas of the world where weather forecasts were not possible, IBM's new method would also be able to forecast the weather.

The new technology IBM invented is the Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting System (GRAF). A detailed and accurate forecast can be obtained through this system running on a supercomputer. Earlier, such a perfect forecast was only available in the US, Japan and a few countries in Europe.

Analysts say demand for climate change disasters and accurate weather forecasts has increased. One of IBM's new forecasts will provide accurate weather information in advance, which will be useful in many countries in Asia, Africa and South Asia. These regions are now more vulnerable to climate change.

The current global weather model can forecast up to 5-7 km area, which is updated 3 to 12 hours in succession. IBM forecasts show accurate weather data within three kilometers. Information will be updated every hour.

Cameron Clayton, head of The Weather Company, owned by AbiM, said IBM's new forecast for some regions of the world could bring about a period of change. Farmers will get advance information on crop production if they know about storms and thunderstorms in advance.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 17 Nov 2019, 11:20 AM

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