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1 Ans What do girls do more when doing physical relationship?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Dec 2019, 07:56 AM at (Lifestyle Sexual)

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What may or may not be the same for girls when they are actually happy with what they do during physical relationships may not be the same for everyone. Because, the sexual needs, likes and interests of each girl are different. Each girl's sexual needs and interests may vary. And it is up to the husband or the male partner to find out. Yet here I am talking about some of the things that girls do more when doing these things during physical relationships.

(1) First, foreplay by having a good time during physical relationships. Do not rush into direct sexual intercourse. Before starting sex, slowly do foreplay or horns. Embrace your partner for a long time and indulge in a long kiss.

(2) Second, praise your spouse. Tell her what you desperately crave for your sexual partner during a physical relationship. Appreciate the look and beauty of your female partner. Appreciate your wife or lover's lips, eyes, nose, forehead or hair or his physical body structure. Praise his special organs as well. Tell her how much you are fascinated and seduced by her beauty. All in all, praise the physical appearance of the wife or lover, in which the girls are quickly teased and such praise is very much liked by the girls.

(3) Thirdly, have sexually stimulating sex talk during sex and talk sweetly to your wife. It is also a favorite of many girls and it quickly becomes tweaked. For example, you can say that you are more beautiful today than the women of heaven or your lips are my sweet orange today, I will suck it or your appearance, I will enjoy the beauty today or you can play wrestling with you tonight. Can speak the kind of creepy talk or erotic talk that many women like. Moreover, Dirty Talk or pornography can also include sexually suggestive words that many girls want to hear from their husbands or boyfriends during sexual relationships.

(4) During physical relationships, play with your wife or lover's breasts and buttocks. Apply a variety of techniques or horns to the breasts and buttocks. Suck well with the breast, lightly or gently bite the breast, or hold the bite for a long time with the mouth, or keep sucking well on the face, rubbing the breast with the hands well. Also, hold the scalp under your wife's neck and rub her buttocks tightly. Girls' buttocks tend to be more soft and meaty than men's. Therefore, during sexual intercourse, men should be able to knead well and forcefully squeeze. During the sexual intercourse, women in the breasts and buttocks are most preferred by a male partner. Only about eighty percent of a woman can be overcome by proper horns in her breasts and buttocks. So make more horns in the buttocks and breasts.

(5) During sexual intercourse, rush your wife's buttocks or hit her buttocks. Yes, you are right, I'm talking about Spanking, which is something that girls love too, and they get teased immediately. During physical relationships, hit your wife's buttocks very loudly. Beat with a scale or cane. But do not strike it too loudly, it can ruin sexual tension and happiness. Something slowly, somewhat loudly beat or beat. In this case your wife will soon become sexually aroused. Many women quickly become sexually molested by the whip and many women like this. So from the net to the various techniques or methods of Spanking can be seen.

(6) Do not be separated from your wife when you have sexual intercourse. Hold him for a while and tell him the fun you enjoyed. Girls are also very happy.

While women are more likely to be happy when they are in a physical relationship, there are many other functions or methods that can make women happy. But this could be the exception for Persons to Persons.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Dec 2019, 07:58 AM

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