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1 Ans Smartphone on behind the loss of sex life

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:11 AM at (Lifestyle Sexual)

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Smartphone behind the loss of sex life

We ourselves are constantly deteriorating our mental condition from falling on the smartphone all day. Another study says, not only mental health, but also sex life is suffering because of this technology product.

According to a study conducted by the Department of Sexual Health at Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed International University Hospital in Casablanca, Morocco, only 5 percent of participants reported that they had problems with their sex lives.

The study was published in Morocco World News. A total of 4 participants participated in the study, all of whom use smartphones, and 72 percent of the participants use it at bedtime. Only 5% of people put their smartphone off at night or in 'airplane mode' when sleeping.

According to the researchers, the researchers said, "People between the ages of 25 and 8 are suffering from a loss of smartphone. And 5 percent of them said that smartphones are causing problems in their sex life.

Half of the participants reported that they were not satisfied with their sex life. Because of this, a large part of the work is occupying smartphone use.

Shirocell, a US-based technology product maker, manufactures devices that strengthen mobile networks. The results of a survey conducted by this organization show that 5 percent of people who turned their backs in the twentieth century use a smartphone.

Three-quarters of 'Millennials', that is, adults in the 21st Century, put smartphones on the head while sleeping. Those who sleep with smartphones at the head will feel fear and discomfort when away from these devices, the levels of which are twice as common. And these people claim they are not happy with their lives.

Another study conducted by Durham University and Durex, a condom-maker, suggests that people are more attracted to smartphones than partners. About a third of people in the study reported that they pause for a phone call in the middle of the meeting.

The participants of the study were interviewed by Mark Mac-Cormack, co-director of the university's 'Center for Sex, Gender and Sexualities' department and senior sociology professor.

"There's potentially serious harm in getting gadgets into the bedroom," he said.

For couples who are using smartphone help to make their sex life attractive, they will be surprised to know that keeping the device off is the most effective way.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:12 AM

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