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1 Ans Ways to increase the capacity of the lungs

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:09 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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Ways to increase the capacity of the lungs

Those who walk up and down the stairs, walking loudly, or running just short of breath, the air space in their lungs is diminishing. There may be various reasons for shortness of breath.

According to a medical report on a topic published on the Health website, asthma, smoking, 'chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. can lead to asthma. Those affected or addicted should take steps to improve their lung function.

'Long Capacity'

The amount of air the lungs can take in at once is that person's 'long capacity'. As the age of the lungs this airway capacity of the lungs decreases. And for those suffering from various lung or respiratory diseases, the problem may be more pronounced.

Naturally, the airways of the lungs of men are higher than those of women. This holding capacity can be increased in some of the following ways.

Breathing Exercises: 'breathing exercises' or breathing exercises are very effective in increasing the airway capacity of the lungs. 'Diaphragmatic breathing', 'Pursed Lips breathing', Pranayama etc. is one of the effective and familiar breathing exercises. According to the doctor's advice, exercising these exercises will increase the airway capacity of the lungs and keep the lungs healthy.

Cardio Exercise: 'Cardio Exercise' is beneficial not only for the heart but also for the health of the lungs. Even if you take only half an hour a day, you can benefit a lot. During this type of exercise, the lungs become quite tight. As a result, the lungs also get exercised and gradually increase their air capacity. One of the most effective 'cardio exercises' is running, cycling, swimming.

Get Water: The lungs are a vital organ in the body and also require adequate water. If the body retains normal moisture, the 'mucosal lining' of the lungs will remain thin and work well.

Bedtime type: The air holding capacity of a person's lungs depends on how he sleeps or sleeps. If you lean forward or do not sit upright while sitting, your lung capacity is reduced. Because if sitting like this, the lungs are compressed for a long time. And once more it can no longer be normal to expand. So you always have to practice sitting upright.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is needed to increase lung capacity. Doctors claim that adding vitamin D to the treatment of patients with respiratory problems has benefited them and allowed them to exercise for longer. You can collect vitamin D from sunlight or take a 'supplement'. Vitamin D is also available from edible sources like fish, eggs, meat etc.

To keep the lungs healthy

These methods may increase the air retention capacity of the lungs. However, prevention is always better than prevention. Therefore, the reasons for decreased lung capacity should be removed.

You need to quit smoking. Increase the amount of 'anti-oxidant' foods in the diet. You should try to control the air pollution in the house. You have to try to protect yourself from outside pollution.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:09 AM

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