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1 Ans Problems on breathing in the cool air

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:07 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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The feeling of breathing in the fresh air in the morning really provides another satisfaction. If you go out in the morning or do some light exercise in the morning, it will be beneficial for your body, your health and your mind. But it may be cool to think about this winter in Konkan. And even if you get out, the problem will be the discomfort caused by breathing in the cool air.

In the frosty breeze of winter mornings, there is discomfort in the nose and airways, sensitivity is present. In some cases, it can feel like pressure on the chest, to feel the urge to take a turn.

Why is that so? Surely the question seems to have awakened. Those are the reasons given based on information from the Healthcare website's report.

Cause: The main reason for this discomfort is that the cold and humid air creates respiratory and lung discomfort. When inhaled in humid air, the airway becomes compressed and stiff, making breathing difficult. If the problem is high, chest pressure can be felt, breathlessness can occur.

Another reason is that the nose works to warm and moisten the air taken in the net during breathing. However, breathing in excess cold air can not fully warm and moisten the nose and the lungs do not want to accept it. The lungs are accustomed to receiving air at a certain temperature, and if the air temperature is too low, the lungs will be uncomfortable, causing pain in the airways. For those who have difficulty with cold air, the severity of the problem can be fatal.

Many also have bleeding from the nose in the cold air of winter. The reason for this is because of the cold and humid air, the nasal passages break down and bleed from there. In that case, you can use ointment at the doctor's advice.

Ways to avoid problems:

- You should breathe with your nose without breathing through your mouth. The nose will warm and humidify the breathing air.

- If you have sensitivity to cold air, you should refrain from exercising in the open sky.

- You can put a nasal muffle on the nose while leaving the room. It will warm a bit before the air is nosed.

- Those with asthma or other respiratory diseases should be particularly careful in winter.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:08 AM

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