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1 Ans Food to increase immunity in winter

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:05 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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Food to increase immunity in winter

During the winter, cold cough and various types of cold problems arise. It is possible to avoid this problem by being a little careful and eating the right foods.

The report published on the Nutrition website reveals the names and qualities of some of the beneficial foods that help to stay healthy in the winter.

Lemonade Fruit: All the problems have a solution, and there is good evidence that it is true to nature. As the problem of cold cough increases in winter, it can be solved and found in this season's lemonade. Foods rich in vitamin C increase the amount of white blood cells in the blood and contribute to the cold cure. Such fruits include oranges, grapes, lemons, etc.

Capsicum: 'capsicum' especially red 'capsicum' is rich in high vitamin C and 'beta carotene' which works very well in eliminating cold cough virus as well as enhances immunity. 'Beta-carotene' also helps maintain good skin and hair health.

Garlic: Garlic not only enhances the taste of food but it has excellent medicinal properties. Garlic works well to reduce blood pressure, improve digestion. Garlic is known to increase immunity because it contains concentrated sulfur-rich material 'alkaline'.

Ginger: Ginger has the ability to withstand cold, cough. Its anti-inflammatory component works very well in the cold. The gingerbread 'ginger' and 'shogel' in the ginger help to destroy the 'rhinovirus'. This reduces the risk of getting cold. So it is best to add ginger to the diet list to stay healthy in winter.

Culinary herbs: Culinary herbs are rich in vitamin C and 'beta-carotene' and contain various 'anti-oxidants'. Cultivars increase the body's anti-infective energy and thereby increase immunity, as a result the body is always healthy. Cultivars should be cooked less to maintain their nutritional value.

Broccoli: Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, and also contains other essential nutrients, such as vitamins A and E, which help to increase the immune system. Broccoli is high in fat and rich in 'anti-oxidants' and can also be a regular nutritious food for winter. But to get the highest quality of broccoli, it is best not to cook too much.

Yogurt: Yogurt is rich in podium-rich vitamin D and low in fat levels. Yogurt is rich in bacteria that destroys cold viruses. The virus that destroys cold bacteria is called beneficial bacteria, it also helps to increase the body's immunity.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 22 Dec 2019, 09:05 AM

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