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1 Ans Write a letter to a National Daily's editor to publish a letter of the treatment of non covid patients during this critical corona period

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 17 Oct 2020, 01:13 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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2 September, 2020

The Editor

The Daily Star

64-65 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue 


Sub: Request for publishing the article in the letter column.


I shall be highly glad if you kindly publish the following article in your renowned daily newspaper.

Yours faithfully

Asikur Rahman 

10 Mirpur, Dhaka

         Ensure the treatment for non-covid-19 patients in hospitals 

The outbreak of the pandemic in early March in our country has paralyzed the health sector. Covid-19 being a highly contagious disease has created a havoc among the doctors, hospital workers and even among the family members who have a corona-positive patient. The rapid human to human transfer been a worrying concern for all the people all over the country. Despite it being a highly contagious disease, we must not forget that we have many patients who are suffering from  kidney and cardiac ailments and many other serious diseases who need immediate treatment. But it is a very shocking news for us that these patients with no covid symptoms or with some some symptoms are being denied by many hospitals. The hospitals are refusing them saying that they need covid negative certificate in the first place before getting attention. In different parts of the country some incidents of deaths without having treatments have been reported in the different daily newspapers. Some patients are remaining untreated. There are many cases not all are making it to public view. But due to the fear of contamination in case the patient is covid positive, the authorities concerned cannot take this inhuman decision as this situation can lead the people with serious ailments to death. For this situation we cannot blame the hospitals only. It is because of the utter-mismanagement and lack of planned programs of the country's health administration. This is not to say that all hospitals should have been equipped with covid-test facilities. But the major hospitals should have so that they can admit patients with covid suspects. If necessary, through completing quick covid test and showing sympathy to the serious patients inspecting the previous illness records treatment may be given so that they may not die untreated. I urge the concerned authorities regarding health  to take proper steps to unsure the immediate treatment of those serious non-covid-19 patients so that a single patient doesn't die untreated. 

Asikur Rahman 

10 Mirpur, Dhaka

Write a letter to the editor of a famous daily highlighting the importance of social distancing to curb the spread of coronavirus during this pandemic. 

2 September, 2020

The Editor

The Daily Star

64-65 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue 


Sub: Earnest request for publishing the article in the newspaper.


I shall be highly glad if you kindly let the common people know about the importance of social distancing through publishing the following article in your renowned daily.

Yours faithfully

Sumaia Akher

Uttara, Dhaka

     Importance of social distancing to curb the spread of coronavirus 

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic is drastically changing the lives of people. Covid-19 is a highly contagious disease. The rapid human to human transfer has been a worrying concern for all people. To curb the spread of the coronavirus, governments have enacted some policies like schools and universities have been closed, programs and occasions postponed, the usual health services are being limited, socializing with friends and wider family members is highly being discouraged. The purposes of these policies are to regulate people's behavior and social habits. Health authorities and experts insist that maintaining a physical distance from others and avoiding crowds like in public buses, trains, markets and gatherings are crucial  for mitigating the speed of covid-19 spread. Social distancing is a set of non-pharmaceutical measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people. It involves keeping a certain distance from others and avoiding together in large groups. The measures may be used in combination with others such as good respiratory hygienic, face masks and hand washing. Maintaining social distancing means to save yourself, to save yourself means to keep others safe during a pandemic. As we don't have any proper medicine for the disease and there is uncertainty over the virus, this non-pharmaceutical measure can be our life saving technique. So for the betterment of all people should maintain social distancing to keep themselves and others safe during this pandemic.

Sumaia Akher

Uttara, Dhaka


Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 17 Oct 2020, 01:14 AM

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