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1 Ans The way to diagnose breast cancer at early stage

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 28 Oct 2019, 12:52 PM at (Lifestyle Health)

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The way to diagnose early stage breast cancer

Early diagnosis of the disease is cured. In most cases, breast can be treated successfully.

The point to note

* Has there been any change in breast size, shape and color?

* Any variation of the two breasts.

* Any change in the skin of the nipples (like a thick ripe orange peel).

* Whether the nipple will be inserted inside.

* Is there any abnormality in the skin around the area of ​​the scrotum?

* The color of the liquid emitted from the vapor.

Three things about breast cancer test:

1. Examining your own breast: Examine yourself once a month from the age of 20 years. To continue it throughout life. Understand the normality of your nipples so that if any abnormalities occur, the doctor can be consulted immediately.

2. Clinical Breast Examination (Doctor Examined): Physical examination by a trained physician. From the age of 25 to 3 years, once in three years and once every 3 years, once every year.

3. Mammography, other radiology and imaging tests such as ultrasonography, MRI. If any abnormality occurs in these tests, the pathology is diagnosed by FNAC (pathological examination with thin needle).

Three things are important for breast cancer screening.

The procedure for examining your own breast

Examining yourself is a technical matter. Once every month It is better to examine a particular day within a week after the end of the menstrual cycle. Because, during that time the breast is a bit lighter and the pain is less. Menopausal women can test any day.

First of all

Stand in front of a clear mirror and notice yourself in every state of low light.

1. Keep the two arms hanging on either side of the body

2. Lift your head upwards or backwards.

3. The two hands should be pressed to the waist, so that the chest muscles can tension.

4. The nipple should be lightly pressed to see if any juice comes out.


Experiment with your hands and feel. Do this from two locations twice.

Lying on the bed Left breast with right hand and right breast with right hand. The side that needs to be examined is to place the hand on the side of the head, fold the small pillow or towel under the shoulder, so that the chest and breast are in parallel. You have to lie on the other side with a little tilt. Now with the middle three finger pads in the hand, first feel a little pressure, then heavy pressure, then the whole area of ​​the breast border with more pressure. So that no part is left out. Examine the rotating finger pad (like the rotating luteum) on the axis several times by pressing on the breast tissue.

Standing in the bath. In the same way, you should test the soap on the body.

If there is any inconsistency, it is felt on the finger test. Do not panic and seek medical advice.

Not everyone is capable of feeling. At different stages of life, such as menstruation, pregnant, lactating, and menopause, the breasts and nipples of women are different. Occasionally, the wheels may be felt naturally on the breast. If you do not know, there is a lot of fear. If all places are not examined properly there is a risk of avoiding the disease.

Examining breast cancer screening once every two to three years by a trained or skilled doctor is an important topic. If there is a wheel to feel, the doctor is less likely to go wrong in the exam.

The doctor advises on various tests if you feel at risk. Such as mammography, ultrasonography, MR mammography.

There is a lot of debate about exactly how many years to start breast cancer screening mammography. Although different organizations in different countries cannot determine the age, breast cancer screening can be justified if it is usually 5 years.


Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 28 Oct 2019, 12:55 PM

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