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1 Ans Causes of headache and the way to release from headache

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 20 Dec 2019, 10:50 PM at (Lifestyle Health)

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Causes of headache and the way to release

It is possible to determine the type of headache and why it is causing the problem. Migraine and tension are two very well known reasons. About 5 percent of these are tension type headgear. Migraine is responsible for 5 percent. Causes of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, irregular and excessive sleep apnea, sunshine or overheating, excessive physical-psychological exertion, being hungry, mental stress etc. So to get rid of this problem, first of all, you need to change these habits.


Women suffer more from migraine. Symptoms of migraine usually appear from the age of 5 to 7 years. It lasts from 3 to 4 years of age. Symptoms of migraine headaches are:

• There is pain on either side of the head. Once the pain is on one side, then the other side may also cause pain.

• The pain can last from four hours to 12 hours.

• The blood vessels on the two sides of the head or rug appear to be ticking.

• No amount of work can be done in the intensity of pain.

• The intensity of pain increases with light or sound.

• Can cause nausea or vomiting with pain.

• Before the onset of pain, there may be symptoms of light dancing, dashed lines etc.

• The intensity of pain decreases when lying in the dark.

Tension type headdeck

This headache is caused by contraction of the head muscles. The symptoms of such pain are:

• Headache pain.

• Holding on to the head - having such a feeling.

• Not as intense pain as migraine.

• Such headaches can last from a few hours to several days.

• This pain has to do with anxiety, family or occupational or emotional stress.

What to do

Different painkillers, such as paracetamol, can be used to get rid of headaches immediately. Peptic ulcer should be taken with painkillers. Excessive painkillers can also cause headache. This problem is called medicine over use HEDEC. So it is best not to take painkillers frequently without much need. It is possible to get rid of this problem by consuming some drugs in the long run, according to the doctor's advice.

Read tomorrow: If you want to stay healthy on the long trip

Professor, Clinical Neurology, National Institute of Neuro Sciences and Hospital

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 20 Dec 2019, 10:50 PM

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