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1 Ans How Wuhan China prevent corona virus?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 19 Mar 2020, 12:44 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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How Wuhan got Prevention from Coronavirus?

Within 7 days they established a 1000 bed hospital. 

And within next 2 week they established another 1600 bed hospital &  along with transformed stadiums,  convention centres, schools into temporary hospitals.

1000 nurses worked in the first week.  Then they added about 10000 nurses in next 2 weeks 😱. They made it triple (30 thousand) till march 1st and alongside 1400 military medic worked that time..

They had available medical supplies as the needs was increasing. 

Totally 30000 medical workers were working to defeat Coronavirus and nowadays they are successful.. 

Now lets talk what we(Bangladesh) have? 

Frankly speaking We have nothing. 😑😑

As a proud nation we need to take some steps urgently:

1. Spreading awareness among people's.. Most of us takes it as a normal event..Spread spread &  spread awareness 

2. Transforming convention centres, schools & colleges as a temporary hospital which capacity will be around 50000 in every district.. 

3. All types of medical &  nursing students should come forward to protect its nation.. Its like an another war..And in this war only u guys can protect us and save us.. 😑

4. Finally the govt needs to be fucking serious &  need to strictly monitor &  handle the situation by implementing new rules like banned all types of public gathering,  tourist places (Specially in Sylhet &  Chittagong).. 

 And finally the war is begun..So we should prepare ourselves to protect Coronavirus.. Remember Its a fight for our life,  for our family &  friends,  for our country and as well as for our own extinction..

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Thursday, 19 Mar 2020, 12:46 AM

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