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1 Ans Foods that will increase platelets against dengue fever

Asked by Tajrimun Elisha (2 Golds) Friday, 02 Aug 2019, 08:11 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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If someone around you suffers from dengue or common fever, you can talk about a few foods. This will increase platelet in the patient's blood. These foods are:

Papaya: You can eat papaya juice to raise platelets. Papaya is helpful in dengue, as it helps to increase the papaya molecule. You can drink papaya batta juice. Besides, the leaves can be eaten by boiling.

Green coconut: this water contains minerals or electrolytes which are very useful in dengue fever.

Palang: Palang is one of the sources of iron and omega-3 fatty acids. It increases the body's immunity. It can also increase the number of platelets in the body.

Bedana: Bedana contains many nutrients and minerals, which can provide the body with the energy it needs. Bedana is great for reducing body bumps. It is also useful for blood as it is a source of iron. It is useful to keep the platelet count normal and throughout dengue.

Answered by Tajrimun Elisha (2 Golds) Friday, 02 Aug 2019, 08:13 AM

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