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1 Ans What type of care does a child need to take after birth?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Thursday, 08 Aug 2019, 08:51 PM at (Lifestyle Health)

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The baby should be born with a clear weight.

The baby will then be given to the mother.

The baby should not be bathed until the navel falls.

Before birth, the baby was bathed. It is still done in many places, especially after delivery at home. The baby may become ill with a cold leg. Many times the baby is put in oil and laid in the sun. That's not right either. It damages the health of the baby.

When the baby is bathed after the navel falls, it cannot be bathed outside. So in a closed room, the baby should be bathed in hot water. Then wipe with dry cloth and give it to the mother's chest.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Thursday, 08 Aug 2019, 08:51 PM

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