Asked by
AL MaMun (4 Golds)
Tuesday, 12 Nov 2019, 01:31 PM
at (Lifestyle
One of the major problems with lung cancer is that the disease does not have any special symptoms at an early stage. The symptoms and symptoms of lung cancer are evident only when the disease has progressed far and wide. Symptoms
Once the lung cancer is detected, it is seen at exactly what stage the disease is. When it is prescribed, it is advisable to make proper medical plans. This may require CT scan, MRI, positron emission tomography (abdominal) and sister scan. But not everyone will have a quest. Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy. Not sure death Cancer means that the idea of ​​malignancy has become overwhelming. 'Cancer Haze and Ansar' - Current medical science is leading the way. So, the idea that lung cancer does not mean definitive death is not right. However, it is precisely because the disease is diagnosed at the very last stage so its treatment is quite challenging. It was found that 5% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer survived for at least 6 years. And in the case of late stage lung cancer, the 5-year survival rate is 5 percent. Addition - Mohammed Ali Brother's Question 'What Causes Lung Cancer?' To answer her, the following section was added. Smoking is considered to be the leading cause of lung cancer. But not just smokers, those who pass on the smoke of others during passive smoking, such as smoking, are also at risk of developing cancer. People who have never smoked again or have a passive smoker do not have lung cancer. In all these cases the obvious reason cannot be found. Physicians believe that smoking damages cells in the extremities of the lungs. When someone smokes cigarette smoke, multiple cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) in the smoke immediately participate in the replacement of the lung tissue. Although the body can recover from this loss at the earliest, the loss of normal cells in the lungs begins to increase as smoke enters the lungs. After several days, these damaged cells begin to absorb and become cancerous. Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Tuesday, 12 Nov 2019, 01:33 PM |