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1 Ans Adobe Acrobat 2016 and Adobe Reader 2015 tools are going to be stopped

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 07 Dec 2019, 12:31 PM at (Technology Computer)

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Many still use the Adobe Acrobat 2016 and Adobe Reader 2015 tools. Adobe, a software maker, has announced that they are backing up these two tools. After April 7 next year, they will no longer be releasing security programs on these two tools in Adobe. As a result, these software or tools will become risky. Cyber-rogue can use these tools to endanger the user.

Adobe authorities have warned that those using Adobe Reader 2015 and Acrobat 2015 versions should quickly start using another productivity tool. It lacks any technical and security support. The company has also advised users to update the Adobe Acrobat DC and Reader DC versions. It will provide security update benefits, including new operating systems support.

Cyber ​​security experts say that without Adobe's security, their tools will become dangerous. By using these tools remotely, cyber rogue can install on harmful program devices. It may result in unnecessary losses, including theft of information.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 07 Dec 2019, 12:31 PM

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