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1 Ans Don't fall into the trap on Facebook

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 06 Jan 2020, 02:21 AM at (Technology Internet)

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Many people answer questions on Facebook without understanding. In particular, many respond to quizzes of unknown or unknown sources in response to the greed of the prize. These are basically the traps of cheating on Facebook. According to information from tech site, Facebook's quiz gives cybercriminals the chance to capture personal information. As a result, Facebook users are at increased risk of being deceived.

Such quizzes usually come up with the temptation to win prizes with simple and predictable answers. Then, the kind of questions that come up during account setup, comes up. These include personal questions like birthplace, date of birth, area zip code or street name, favorite pet or favorite teacher's name. When these answers are given through quizzes, all the information is given to hackers to hack into the account.

Some posts ask for personal comments or different information. Many times information is asked for the name of the fun game play. It is asked to provide some information on Facebook profile. Taking part in such posts or quizzes is a victim of scam.

Recently, US law enforcement has been warned about clicking fraudulent posts and participating in quizzes. The kind of posts that ask for personal information in the form of comments have been urged to refrain from commenting. It is also advisable to check the privacy settings of Facebook before posting any personal information.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 06 Jan 2020, 02:21 AM

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