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1 Ans Artificial intelligence in the detection of breast cancer

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 06 Jan 2020, 02:19 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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Artificial intelligence in the detection of breast cancer

Breast cancer will be recognized by Google's artificial intelligence (AI) technology, just like specialist radiologists. The data was shown by researchers from a group of US and UK researchers. According to a survey published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, artificial intelligence can play an important role in correcting the diagnosis of breast cancer.

According to data from the American Cancer Society, radiologists failed to detect breast cancer (mammogram) in about 20 percent of cases, and half of the women who had been tested for 6 years had a false report.

The team, which is comprised of researchers from Imperial College and the National Health Service, London, in the United Kingdom, trained thousands of mammograms to train the AI ​​system. They then compared the results of the AI ​​system with the results obtained from mammograms from the UK, and from the United States at 2,7,7. It turns out that the AI ​​system can detect breast cancer with the same precision as specialist radiologists. Source: Gazette Now

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 06 Jan 2020, 02:19 AM

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