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1 Ans The Impact Of Automation On Employees

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 03:40 AM at (Consultancy Business)

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Bank focus writing 

The Impact Of Automation On Employees

It is redundant to state that how much ameliorating the tech- enriched world is in introducing new notions to upgrade our diurnal life. Introduce of automation in working sector is certainly  the paramount  example in this respect. The world is getting modernised in course of times and the gargantuan globe is now in our duo - hands owing to the titanic improvement of the modern technology applied in numerous sectors specially in work place or in production. The definition of automation,simply speaking,  is the use of machines and technology to make processes run on their own without manpower.But it can be  mountainous if we broadly deem its definition. Automation, to describe prodigiously,  is the creation of technology and its application in order to control and monitor the production and delivery of various goods.

An example of automation is the technology used in automobile assembly lines that limits the number of people required to build cars.


Difference Between Automation & Robotics :- 


Automation is the term used when describing a process or task performed by software or a machine, usually undertaken by a human. It can be mechanical or virtual; simple or complicated. Robotics, conversely , is a branch of engineering focused on designing and building robots. While robots may automate some tasks, but they have little to do with automation outside of industrial settings. 


How does automation affect employment?


We found that automation does indeed affect many workers. ... Contrary to conventional wisdom, they are more likely to leave as a result of automation, although they also seem to find new jobs faster. In other words, highly-paid workers are more commonly affected, but the effects are more severe for less well-paid workers.


What is the impact of automation?


The long-term effects of automation on employment and unemployment rates are debatable. Most studies in this area have been controversial and inconclusive. Workers have indeed lost jobs through automation, but population increases and consumer demand for the products of automation have compensated for these losses.


Will automation reduce jobs?


Automation will displace many jobs over the next ten to 15 years, but many others will be created and even more will change. Jobs of the future will use different skills and may have higher educational requirements.


Jobs At Risk Of Automation


The three occupations with the highest probability of automation are waiters and waitresses, shelf fillers and elementary sales occupations, all of which are low-skilled or routine. Those at the lowest risk are medical practitioners, higher education teaching professionals, and senior professionals in education.


Automation & Bangladesh 


Now, the golden touch of digitalisation is seen in every sectors of Bangladesh. Hence, our country is getting inexpressibly digitalised. Though we are yet to experience  profusely  the effect of automation in job sectors, we cannot slack it because many may lose their jobs due to it. As the rate of unemployment is rising with the passage of time, its effect may provide  fuel to retain its lasting. So,it is proper time, we seldom put   dependence on automation to create more job franchises to sustain our precious economy. 

Collected From facebook

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 03:42 AM

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