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1 Ans Evaluate US Election 2020 as the soul of America

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 10:43 PM at (Consultancy Business)

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Evaluate -  "US Election 2020 ~ As The Soul of America " 


Donald Trump is not a dexterous  president but he is a terrifyingly efficacious one, as the 2020 RNC proved once again. The central lesson of 2016 for Democrats should have been: "do not underestimate Trump, and do not take his general ignorance as a lack of political skill".Specifically, the Republican president is being challenged by Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, who is widespreadly known as Barack Obama's vice-president but has been in US politics since the 1970s.As election day approaches, polling companies are striving  to gauge the mood of the nation by asking voters which candidate they prefer.On top of that, we can justly opine that, this 2020 election is about “the soul of America”, whatever that “soul” exactly might be.


Insightfully, the good news for Democrats is that Joe Biden is ahead in the polls. The bad news is that Hillary Clinton was also ahead in the polls. Biden’s lead may be sliding in critical states, and some estimates show him underperforming Clinton in the critical state of Wisconsin. Biden’s overall margin over Trump is greater than Clinton’s was at her peak. But 538 reports, troublingly, that “there are also nine states where Biden’s margin over Trump is smaller than Clinton’s was at this point in the campaign."


"We either see Trump as a danger to US democracy or we think Biden is. Nothing is going to change that."


 ~ Fox News Review ~ 


Joe Biden could still win in a landslide, and we aspire  he does. But one thing we need to grasp about Donald Trump is that while he is a terrible president, he is an excellent showman who

understands the theatrical aspects of politics very well. Trump is a threat to US democracy. He has repeatedly shown his authoritarian

 instincts, openly fantasizes about an unconstitutional third term, and repeatedly praised domestic extremists and foreign dictators.

Joe Biden might be many things, but he is no radical. Nor is he a “dangerous pawn of the far left”, as the far-right outrage machine tries to portray him. While the Democrats have been involved in several illiberal and undemocratic policies – from gerrymandering to the illegal surveillance of millions of Americans – their support for the liberal democratic system, in word and deed, is impeccable compared with that of the Republican party.

Trump might well implode, and Biden could exceed expectations. Trump’s “I made America great again” message certainly seems as if it should be a hard sell during a pandemic, yet his approval ratings have been weirdly resilient. Frankly, we are in an unprecedented and chaotic political situation and it is impossible to predict how things will unfold. But Trump is a juggernaut, saturating social media with advertising. His final night at the RNC speech was tired and tedious, but Democrats would do well not to get cocky.


Karl Marx said history repeated itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. 2016 was a tragedy. We just hope we’re not about to see the farce.We’ve seen the consequences of complacency once before, and it was a disaster. A second Trump term will be far, far worse, with unthinkable consequences for the climate, workers and 




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Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 30 Aug 2020, 10:44 PM

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