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1 Ans How to use 'Night Mode' in a smartphone?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 20 Dec 2019, 09:32 AM at (Technology Internet)

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How to use 'Night Mode' in a smartphone?

Many people think that using smartphone night mode is not a problem. However, researchers in the UK say different things. Researchers at the University of Manchester recently conducted a study on blue light filters (blue light filters) used in night mode. They found that the blue light filter did more sleep loss than normal mode. The situation is more miserable if blue light is lit.

Researchers say the use of bright, quiet light in the evening and bright and warm lighting during the day is very beneficial for smartphone users. Therefore, those who think that night mode is more beneficial to the eyes, researchers have suggested to think more.

Researchers say that when night mode is turned on and yellow appearance is present, a kind of mixed signal is reached in the body. Screen light affects the body like daylight. Researchers have done research on rats and found that blue light has a greater effect on sleep. Researcher Tim Brown claims that even though he studies the rat, they think it will prove true in humans. They claim that the idea of ​​people with blue light has been proved wrong. They found evidence that blue light causes more damage to the eyes. The use of blue light weakens the sleep pattern. Instead, bright and quiet light is more effective. The body clock usually sets the time for sleeping in bright blue or twilight light.

Researchers say the technology has made it easier to control how open it is to be exposed to light during the evening. For example, changing the color of the screen on mobile can give a mixed message to the body. A slight change in the brightness can affect the body. Phone light can refer to the body as daytime at night. As a result, sleep disturbances occur. So it is important to be careful before using Night Mode.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Friday, 20 Dec 2019, 09:33 AM

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