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1 Ans Declaration of BD independence on the night of 26th March, 1971 By Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 28 Jul 2019, 09:52 PM at (Education Lesson)

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Independence Declaration

" This may be my last message, from today Bangladesh is independent". I call upon the people of Bangladesh wherever you might be and with whatever you have, to resist the army of occupation to the last. Your fight must go on until the last soldier of the Pakistan occupation army is expelled from the soil of Bangladesh and final victory is achieved."

- The Declaration of Independence on the night of 26th March, 1971 by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 28 Jul 2019, 10:05 PM

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