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1 Ans How to be tall?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Monday, 02 Sep 2019, 09:58 PM at (Lifestyle Health)

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Exercise 1:

Stand back against the wall. This way, try to keep yourself parallel to the wall. Also, try to touch the wall from the heel of your body to the back of your body. This way, try to stretch the wall by touching it straight. Do this exercise 4 to 5 times in the hour.

Exercise 2:

At the end of the first exercise, hang with your hands using a ring or bar at this stage. Take off the body. Let the legs swing like a pendulum. Feel the power of gravity over yourself. Thus, keep yourself from hanging for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise in the same process. You can do 1 to 5 times in one set.

Exercise 3:

Now hold the ring again. But this time you do not have to hang. Instead, try to lift yourself up by holding the ring. Once you get up this way, then release your body weight. Leave it on for about 5 minutes. Thus, finish this exercise in 3 sets. Remember, don't hang for 5 minutes at the beginning. Your body will take whatever amount it can. Gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.

Exercise 4:

At this stage, just hang on the ring or bar for 5 minutes. Do this 3 times.

Exercise 5:

At this stage, the exercise will seem a bit daunting. Now you have to hang it upside down in the ring or in the bar with the knuckle fold. Release your body by hanging upside down. Let both hands hang. In this way, keep counting from 1 to 5. When the countdown is over, fall down. Get someone to help you complete this step. Try to slow down. Don't stress yourself if you can't. Try to learn slowly. Yet if you do not master this exercise, do the closest you can. It may help a bit.

Exercise 6:

If you come to this stage, the good news is for you, you have come through the most difficult phase. You will no longer have to hang in the ring or bar. The first thing you need to do is take a long jump to the left of where you are standing first. Also try to land on the right foot. That is, the right foot will first touch the ground when jumping. When jumping, try to jump as long as possible.

Exercise 7:

At this stage we have reached the last step of our exercise routine. At this stage, you will be lying on the ground with your stomach full. Your body and legs will be straight and tension-ed. Lift the handgun to your back and keep it in a tight position. Now try to lift yourself as much as possible from this position. Your head and neck will be straight forward. This way, try 3 to 5 times.


Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Monday, 02 Sep 2019, 10:02 PM

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