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1 Ans The uses of quantum computer in daily life

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 27 Oct 2019, 11:29 AM at (Technology Computer)

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Big companies in the technology world have begun fierce competition to build sustainable quantum computers and are trying to market them commercially. Quantum computers will be able to provide computing power, which is not possible for conventional classical computers. It will solve any problem quickly. Learn about using Quantum Computers:

New computing beyond logic

To understand the working of quantum computing, one must first know what a quantum computer is. Quantum physics has rejected logic or logic since the first atomic research was conducted in the early 20th century. In the world of quantum, atom does not mean conventional physics. Quantum particles can move back and forth at the same time, staying in two places at the same time. That is, a quantum particle or a particle of atomic dimension can be in all its forms at the same time. Because of this strange behavior, researchers are thinking of taking advantage of quantum computers.

Calculation time will be reduced

The current computer runs as a bit. But a quantum computer will run as a cubit. The current computer basically stores the data in bits. This bit is a binary '০' or '১' representation, which acts as an electrical or photodetector. This bytes method is made up of eight bits of matching bytes, which is usually capable of storing a signal. So what is a cubit?

It also uses 1-3 binary to store data. But not separately. With the same Quantum is a particle of matter and waves of matter described in the theory of religion. This is because in the quantum world, the same particle can be in one place at the same time, and its movement between the wave and the particle movement is also quite simple. This is the main strength of a quantum computer, which enables it to store many data simultaneously with a coefficient of 5-7. It will double its strength, not twice. Because, this energy increases at a geometric rate. For example, if four digits can be stored in two cubits, three cubits will go to eight, and four cubits will be able to save 4 numbers. It also gives the ability to perform multiple calculations at the same time. This reduced the accounting time. Every day we produce a lot of information. It takes a lot of computing power to extract meaningful insights from the data that is processed. The quantum computer will save time.

Realize the unreal

Suppose a problem takes billions of years to complete. That is, a quantum computer can solve almost impossible mathematical problems. What was once considered impossible, will not be impossible. Quantum computer will move behind the conventional computer.

Data Security

Many people consider encryption to be sufficient for information security. But virtual encryption that is not possible to break encryption can be created. This will change the data security situation. Quantum computers can break most of the current encryption methods. Instead, there will be alternatives like hacking.

All the work

Quantum computers can be called all working things. On a conventional computer, tasks such as mail, spreadsheet or desktop publishing can be done well. However, the goal of creating a quantum computer is different. It can be used as a tool to solve various problems. It will not replace conventional computers. For example, a quantum computer can be used to accurately determine the flight schedule of an airport.

King of motion

Google recently announced the achievement of supremacy on quantum computers. The report, published in the famous science journal Nature, says that the Google AI Quantum team has gone a step further in quantum computing. Google's Sycamore processor has been able to complete a calculation in three and a half minutes, which takes about 1,000 years to make the most powerful computer. According to Catherine McGeoch, a researcher at the University of Armhurst, quantum computers are thousands of times faster than conventional computers.

Big Data Solutions

Every day we are generating 2x3 hexabytes of data, which is equal to the content of 1 million laptops. Which computer will analyze the huge data? It is possible for a quantum computer to meet the needs of the Big Data era by processing such information. In the future the era of machines or machines is coming. Data will also be created from each of the smaller devices. Quantum computers will be able to accurately analyze these data.

Electricity is affordable

Quantum computers do not need much electricity. It will use less than one thousand times less electricity, because a method called quantum tunneling is used to reduce the cost of electricity. Besides, this computer is fragile. Any kind of vibration can create anomalies by affecting the atom.

Advanced software and machine learning

A number of algorithms have already been created for quantum computers. Among these, Grover's algorithm for finding an unstructured database, and SAR algorithm for the large number of productions. Once a durable quantum computer is created, machine learning will help reduce the time needed to solve problems.

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Sunday, 27 Oct 2019, 11:30 AM

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