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1 Ans What comes in the color of egg yolk?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 05:29 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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What comes in the color of egg yolk?

Eat one egg daily to stay healthy. Eggs are rich in vitamins, proteins and fat content for the body. That's why eggs are in your diet - that's what nutritionists and doctors say.

No matter how you eat it. Boiled, fried - in any way, the eggs are nourishing. However, is the egg yolk always the same color? No, some egg yolks are dark orange, some are yellowish, some are a bit matte. Do we ever think, why this is so? Does the egg yolk give an idea about the chicken or does it depend on the amount of nutrients?

Some say the color and shape of the egg yolks will give you an idea of ​​the health of the chickens. Generally speaking, if the saffron is dark, tough and round, it should be understood that the chicken was quite independent. She turned around and found her own food. And he grew up eating a variety of foods. On the other hand, the light yellow rinse means that the chicken did not live a very healthy life. At one time this was considered right. However, studies have shown that these concepts have no basis. That's what is being said in a Huffington Post report.

The color of the egg yolk does not really tell the behavior of the chicken, nor does it give any information on the nutritional value. Rather, it says what kind of food the chicken ate before laying eggs. If the chicken is fed plenty of wheat, then the egg yolk is yellow. Again, if the chickens are fed a very balanced diet, such as maize, alfalfa-grass, the color of the saffron will be darker. This is due to the effect of keratin on maize and alfalfa.

However, whatever the color, the nutritional quality does not really make any difference. All eggs contain vitamins A, D and E. Even the taste does not matter. Besides, there is no difference in nutritional value between the abandoned chicken or the farm chicken eggs.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 05:29 AM

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