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1 Ans How to translate offline?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Saturday, 28 Dec 2019, 09:34 AM at (Technology Internet)

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How to translate offline

If you have an Internet connection, translation work can be done very well with Google Translate. If there is no internet connection then there is danger. In that case, the offline mode is easy to translate. However, the 'language pack' of the desired language has to be downgraded in advance. There is trouble too. Users complain that offline mode does not translate well to most languages.

The Google translate authority is also reluctant to say. In order to avoid interruptions in the communication of different languages, they are working regularly and in addition to internet connection, they are trying to make the translation accurate.

The company recently released an updated version of the app. Language packs have also been updated. Google Translate product manager Sami Ikram says offline translation is better than ever.

Translation in 59 languages ​​has been made 12 percent better than before with improved spelling, grammar and sentence structure. He added that Japanese, Korean, Thai, Polish and Hindi had improved by 20 percent.

How to use it

For this, the language pack of the desired language should be dropped. There are three spots in the upper left corner of the Google Translate app. Pressing it will show the menu, select Offline Translation from there. Several languages ​​can be seen. Each language has a downwards arrow on the right side. Download will start only when required by pressing the arrow keys. Source: Digital Trends

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Saturday, 28 Dec 2019, 09:34 AM

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