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1 Ans How to get a drug license?

Asked by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 07:16 AM at (Consultancy Business)

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How to get a drug license

If you want to open a drugstore or pharmacy, you need to get a drug license. Drug license is to be obtained from the administration of medicine under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh.

Apply for the Drug License through the prescribed Form-1 of the Drug Administration. And some papers have to be submitted. Let's find out what papers you need to submit.

1. Bank Transparency Certificate.

2. Run the Treasury to submit the license fee.

3. A copy of the store rental receipt or attested photocopy. Photocopy of documents in the shop itself.

4. Pharmacist's pledge.

5. Copy of trade license in case of municipal area.

You will need to take a six-month course from the Pharmacy Council for a pharmacist certificate. Every three months there is a meeting of the administration of medicine, where licenses are given subject to scrutiny of the information.

The license fee is to be deposited via Treasury invoice. For municipal areas, the fee is Tk. 5 and outside the municipal area, Tk.

The license has to be renewed after two years. The renewal fee for the municipal area is Tk 2,5 and outside the municipal area, it is Tk.

It takes two to three months to get a new license for verification. And the license has to wait five to seven business days for renewal. 

Answered by AL MaMun (4 Golds) Friday, 06 Sep 2019, 07:16 AM

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