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1 Ans How to steal money from a ATM booth?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 25 Nov 2019, 08:31 PM at (Technology Internet)

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To steal money from ATM Booth please follow the following tips and tricks. 

Some major faults of existing ATM booths.

  1. All similar model ATM Booth can be unlocked with a same key.
  2. The unlock key is can be bought from many E-commerce site.
  3. ATM booth usually uses Windows XP operating system. Windows XP has security vulnerability and reset password actions are found here easily.
  4. ATM booth has default lock. If you can break the lock. No need to take other steps. If it exists other lock too, its hard to break the lock. 
  5. If operating system and security patch is not updated, it is easy to hack ATM Booth to steal money.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Monday, 25 Nov 2019, 08:44 PM

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